Mr. Terry Barber, founder of Saint Joseph Communications, Inc., The Catholic Resource Center, Lighthouse Catholic Media and is a co-host for Reasons for Faith Live with Jesse Romero on Mother Angelica’s EWTN Radio Network.
St. Victor's Church Special Presentation
St. Victor's Church is pleased to welcome Mr. Terry Barber, founder of St. Joseph's Communications, Inc. to our parish. With over 30 years of experience in evangelation, his presentations will surely ignite a new passion in this year of grace.
Mr. Barber will present a two-minute evangelization presentation at each Mass during the bulletin-announcement portion of the liturgy. Specifically, he will invite ALL parishioners to meet with him after Mass.
Mr. Barber will be at our parish for the Saturday, January 25 5:00pm Mass and all the Masses on Sunday, January 26. He hopes to meet Mass attendees after the liturgy concludes. Mr. Barber will be available in the Monsignor Perata Parish Center after each Mass to address any question that you may have about evangelization.
About Terry Barber
Terry Barber is the founder of St. Joseph Communications, Inc. and Lighthouse Catholic Media. With Jesse Romero, he is a co-host of "Reasons for Faith Live" on EWTN Radio Network. He has over 30 years experience in evangelization and has recently released a book entitled, "How to share your faith with anyone - a practical manual for Catholic evangelization" (Ignatius Press).