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Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priests during the Mass everyday and for funerals, weddings and other special liturgies.   Membership is taken from the children of the parish starting at grade 4 through grade 12. These students are trained in a manner that reflects the proper etiquette for church, emphasizing reverence and respect.  Training is available in late summer or in early fall.

Requirements for Altar Servers:
1. Student must be entering at least 4th grade in fall. Grades 4-12 are eligible.
2. Child must have all sacraments up to date. (Baptism & 1st Communion)
3. Child must be able to tie laces.
4. Each server signs a contract every year agreeing to fulfill his/her commitment.
5. All servers are expected to get a substitute for Masses they cannot serve.
6. A server helps at special liturgies such as funerals and weddings.
7. Servers are expected to know the responses and say them at Mass.
8. Attendance at a server’s scheduled Mass is expected in a timely manner arriving early.
9. A server is an extension of the community & willing to volunteer time to serve God as a minister at the altar.       

For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

© 2013 by St. Victor Catholic Church. all rights reserved | 3108 Sierra Road, San Jose, CA 95132 | Phone: (408) 251-7055

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