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                              “The Kingdom of God is at hand for you” Luke 10:9

The Ten Commandments of Evangelization

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“Renew among your communities a vital, dynamic sense of the Church’s mission

so that this time of grace may be a new springtime for evangelization”

(Blessed Pope John Paul II)


”To evangelize is to proclaim Christ and His Gospel by word and the testimony of life, in fulfillment of Christ’s command”. (CCC glossary) 2000 years ago, on the great feast day of Pentecost, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to those gathered in the “upper room in

Jerusalem” and the Catholic Church began its mission to bring the Good News to all persons, in all places, in all times.  “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life”

(Jn 3:16). This mission continues in YOU for, through your baptism, you are “born again of water and the Holy Spirit”.  Do you truly believe the words of the Gospel? Truly?  If so, do you live the Good News to the degree that your family, friends,

neighbors, co-workers, even enemies see Jesus in you?  If they see Jesus in you, your life in Christ is an invitation for others to join God’s covenant family, the Catholic Church.  Jesus teaches that our very salvation hinges on our love for God and

neighbor.  If you truly love your neighbor then you will share in God’s desire that your neighbor “might have eternal life”.  St. Paul does not live on your street but YOU do.  St. Thomas More does not work at your office but YOU do. 


God placed us in this moment of Salvation History to accomplish His will.  His will is that “everyone might have eternal life”.  Saints Paul and More gave their hearts to Jesus and, as a result, lost their heads as martyrs (witnesses) for Jesus.  We also have been called to make sacrifices of love to spread the Gospel of salvation.  So, despite fear of suffering, we must work tirelessly to invite all persons to come to their rightful home in the Mystical  Body of Christ.  Clearly, our mission is to love God and love our neighbor.  Therefore, we pick up our cross and follow the Master in spreading the Good News for, if we love our neighbors,  we will care deeply about their eternal destination.


Saint Victor Parish exists to help us live as Jesus lives and to help us invite all to freely consider the truth of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 


It is time to get busy brothers and sisters.


Perhaps you are thinking, “how can I evangelize, I don’t know enough about the faith?” In addition to the  Christian example you demonstrate in your speech and actions, the items below will help greatly.  Remember, the Holy Spirit will guide you in all your efforts to evangelize.  Rely on it!                      




  Catholic Answers


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Catechism of the Catholic Church

Vatican - The Holy See

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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