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          St. Victor Catechetical Ministry

St. Victor Parish believes that Catechetical Ministry is a share in Jesus' own mission of proclaiming the Reign of God. Catechesis is that activity which enables faith to become living, conscious, and active through the light of instruction -- especially sharing God's Word in Scripture and sharing the tradition of the Catholic Church. Catechesis is a life-long process for each individual, as well as the work of the entire Catholic Christian community.


The Church assists the parents in passing on their faith through the ministry of catechesis. Catechists echo the Catholic faith in a way that those being catechized (children, youth, and adults) can understand. Catechists must do more than merely teach about the faith. They help children/youth build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus and the Church. Catechists do this by proclaiming the Word, building a sense of community, leading prayer and worship, and encouraging loving service to others through the example of our own lives.


Our Catechists are all volunteers, dedicated to spreading the Word of God.  If you would like to become a Catechist,

or assist as a Catechist Aide, please contact our office for more information.

CM Christmas Play 2024

Faith formation is a continuing process from 1st grade through high school.  Listed below are the various programs offered.

Fees Schedule: Elementary through High School 

Registered Regular Contributors/Non-Registered

1 Student $105.00/$195.00

2 Students $155.00/$295.00

3 or more $190.00/$365.00

**The Discount Fee is offered only to Registered Parishioners who use the Sunday Collection Envelopes or Parish Pay to support our Parish. 

Sacrament Program Fees 

Reconciliation/Eucharist $ 50.00

Junior High Special Fee $ 45.00

Confirmation 2 $ 70.00

**C.M. now takes credit cards to pay your registration fees. Credit Card Fee $5.00** 


Elementary Catechetical Ministry Classes Grades 1-5: 

Study of the Catholic faith for children in Grades 1-5.  Classes are available on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm -5:30 PM or

Saturday from 9:00 am —10:30 am.

Kindergarten classes available on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm. This class is an introduction to the faith but does not qualify as the required basic year for the Sacrament class.

Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation/First Communion Grades 2-8:

Students that have already completed one-full year of catechesis, or have attended a Catholic school for their first-year of catechesis. Classes are available on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm -5:30 pm or

Saturday  from 9:00 am —10:30 am.

*A copy of the student’s Baptismal certificate is required in order to be accepted into the Sacramental Preparation class. Enrollment in the Sacrament class is pending until a copy of  the student's Baptismal certificate is received. No exceptions will be made.

Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation/First Communion for High School Students in Grades 9-11: 

For students that have already completed one-full year of catechesis, or have attended a Catholic school for their first-year of catechesis.  High School Sacramental Preparation classes are only offered on

Saturdays from 9:00 am —10:30 am.

 *A copy of the student’s Baptismal certificate is required in order to be accepted into the Sacramental Preparation class. Enrollment in the Sacrament class is pending until a copy of the student's Baptismal certificate is received. No exceptions will be made.

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Junior High Grades 6-8: 

Continuing study of the Catholic faith. Classes held on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm—8:00 pm.  In order to enroll in our Confirmation I and Confirmation II programs, it is St. Victor’s policy that you must attend Junior High Classes (6th through 8th Grades). Catechesis is ongoing, it does not end with receiving First Holy Communion.

Regular attendance is required. 

Pre-Confirmation Grades 9-11:

This is a class especially for those students that were not

enrolled in any classes after receiving their First Eucharist in elementary or did not attend any Jr. High Classes. Therefore, they need to catch up in order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This class is a pre-requisite for Confirmation I and Confirmation II.  Classes are offered twice a month

on Mondays from 7:00 pm —8:30 PM.

Please call (408) 251-0165 to enroll in this program.

Confirmation I Grades 9-11:

Confirmation I (the first of 2 consecutive years), is open to those students who attend a  public high school or a non-Catholic high school as a 9th, 10th, or 11th grader. Classes are offered twice a month on

Mondays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. 

Confirmation II Grades 10-12:

The Confirmation II program is open to those students who will be in the 10th grade by September 2024, having already been enrolled and completed Pre-Confirmation, Confirmation I or attend a Catholic high school. The Sacrament of Confirmation cannot be received earlier than being in the 10th grade.  This is a two-year process beginning with Confirmation I.  Classes are offered twice a month on Mondays

from 7:00 pm —8:30 pm. 


*A copy of the students’s Baptismal certificate is required in order to be accepted into the Sacramental Preparation class. Enrollment in the Sacrament class is pending until a copy of  student's Baptismal certificate is received. No exceptions will be made.

In Addition to Faith Formation Classes, the Catechetical Ministry offers
Children's Liturgy of the Word

The Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 10:45 Sunday mass. The children of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades, along with the Liturgy of the Word catechist, are dismissed to a classroom before the first reading and return before the Creed. In class, the Catechist proclaims the Word of God in age-appropriate language. The children are encouraged, through questions and scriptural background, to apply the readings to their lives. Handouts reinforce the theme and allow the children to share God's message with their families.

Please contact St. Victor Office of Catechetical Ministry at 

408-251-0165 for further information.

© 2013 by St. Victor Catholic Church. all rights reserved | 3108 Sierra Road, San Jose, CA 95132 | Phone: (408) 251-7055

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