St. Victor's Catechetical Ministry
St. Victor’s believes that catechetical ministry is a share in Jesus' own mission of proclaiming the Reign of God. Catechesis is that activity which enables faith to become living, conscious, and active through the light of instruction -- especially sharing God's Word in Scripture and sharing the tradition of the Catholic Church. Catechesis is a life-long process for each individual, as well as the work of the entire Catholic Christian community.
The Church assists the parents in passing on their faith through the ministry of catechesis. Catechists echo the Catholic faith in a way that those being catechized (children, youth, and adults) can understand. Catechists must do more than merely teach about the faith. They help children/youth build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus and the Church. Catechists do this by proclaiming the Word, building a sense of community, leading prayer and worship, and encouraging loving service to others through the example of our own lives.
Our catechists are all volunteers, dedicated to spreading the Word of God. If you would like to become a catechist, or assist as a catechist aide, please contact our office for more information.
Faith formation is a continuing process from 1st grade through high school. Listed below are the various programs offered:
Elementary: Study of the Catholic faith for Grades 1-5. Classes are available on Wednesday afternoons or Saturday mornings.
Sacramental Preparation: A two-year process. Preparation for Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist is offered as part of the elementary program.
Sacramental Preparation for Older Students: For baptized students in Grades 6-12.
Junior High: Grades 6-8. Continuing study of the Catholic faith. Classes are Tuesday evenings.
Confirmation: A two-year process. Preparation begins in the 9th grade of high school, with reception of Confirmation in 10th grade. If attending a Catholic high school, the first year will be waived. Classes are Monday evenings.
Childrens’ Catechumenate: Sacramental preparation for upbaptized youths and teens.
UnI Lord Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Youths and young adults, dedicated to helping others, building community, and learning about God, while having fun. Open to Grades 8-12, and ages 18-40. Gatherings are scheduled as needed. Click here: Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Registration for all 2015-2016 classes is now closed.
Registration for next year's classes will be held in late August 2016; specific dates and times will be provided here at a later date, in the St. Victor Church weekly mass bulletin, or by calling the CM Office at (408) 251-0165.
If you have questions about our program, please Click Here to view the CM Handbook. Click Here.
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If you are registering a child for a Sacrament class (Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation), you must bring a copy of their Baptismal certificate (unless they were baptized here at St. Victor). No child will be registered for a Sacrament class without it.
If you are registering a child who is not your own (niece, nephew, grandchild, etc.), you need to bring a signed note from the parent, indicating that you have permission to register the child for them. If you are a child's guardian, please bring a copy of the court order.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 10:45 Sunday mass. The children of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades, along with the Liturgy of the Word catechist, are dismissed to a classroom before the first reading and return before the Creed. In class, the Catechist proclaims the Word of God in age-appropriate language. The children are encouraged, through questions and scriptural background, to apply the readings to their lives. Handouts reinforce the theme and allow the children to share God's message with their families.
Parishioners may contact St. Victor Office of Catechetical Ministry, 408-251-0165, for further information.